The Seven Chakras: A Beginner Guide

Chakras are energy centers in the body that help to create the basis of our existence. Chakra is Sanskrit for the word "wheel" and the study of the Chakra system originated in Eastern spiritual practices. These energy centers can affect our emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic well-being.  

There are 7 major Chakras with 107 smaller Chakras making a total of 114 Chakras in the human body. We will only be focusing on the seven main Chakras which start from the base of the spine and stretch all the way to the top of the head. We are all just a construct of energy. Let’s get into why the Chakras are important and how they affect us!


The Seven Chakras & Their Sanskrit Names:

  1. Root (“Muladhara”)

  2. Sacral (“Svadhishthana”)

  3. Solar Plexus (“Manipura”)

  4. Heart (“Anahata”)

  5. Throat (“Vishuddha”)

  6. Third Eye (“Ajna”)

  7. Crown (“Sahasrara”)

Each Chakra has its own purpose and can affect different aspects of our lives, especially if there is stagnant energy or they are not functioning properly. Think of it this way - with Chakra translating to "wheel", what do wheels do? They spin. If you are riding a bike and a stick gets stuck in the wheel, it will stop spinning causing a disruption to your bike ride. It can be the same for our human wheels. Our throat Chakra may be "spinning" perfectly until someone or something interferes with it, creating a disruption that no longer allows you to speak your truth until it is acknowledged and resolved. As you learn about the 7 Chakras, I ask for you to evaluate where you may have stagnant energy in each area. Having a basic understanding of the Chakras allows us to dive deeper into knowing ourselves and becoming a well-balanced, flowing individual on this wild ride through life.

Root Chakra

Location: base of spine

Color: red

Mantra: Lam

Relates to: stability, safety, energy levels, comfort

If balanced you feel: grounded, secure, healthy in your body, energetic

If unbalanced you feel: fear, unstable, anxious, depressed, have weight issues

Affirmation: "I am safe, secure, and protected." 


 Sacral Chakra

Location: below the navel

Color: Orange

Mantra: Vam

Relates to: sexuality, pleasure, sensuality

If balanced you feel: creative, joyful, prosperous, patience, optimism

If unbalanced you feel: sexual issues, infertility, lack of motivation, low confidence

Affirmation: "I am filled with creativity and joy."  


Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: below the chest

Color: Yellow

Mantra: Ram

Relates to: strength, determination, power

If balanced you feel: energetic, confident, strong, healthy, active

If unbalanced you feel: fatigue, low self-esteem, weak, guilt, worthless, digestive issues

Affirmation: "I embrace my personal power."  

Heart Chakra

Location: center of the chest

Color: green

Mantra: Yam

Relates to: love, compassion, acceptance

If balanced you feel: empathetic, emotionally balanced, loving, compassionate, tolerant

If unbalanced you feel: lonely, critical, jealous, demanding, heart and lung issues 

Affirmation: "I am worthy and deserving of love."  

Throat Chakra

Location: center of the neck, throat region

Color: Blue

Mantra: Ham

Relates to: communication, self-expression

If balanced you feel: truthful, authentic, open, honest, good listening skills

If unbalanced you feel: shy, weak voice, sore throat, unable to listen, hearing issues

Affirmation: "I communicate my truth with ease."  


Third Eye Chakra

Location: between the eyebrows

Color: Indigo

Mantra: Om

Relates to: intuition, meditation, trust

If balanced you feel: intuitive, spiritual, wise, perceptive, guided, clarity of thought and vision

If unbalanced you feel: migraines, vision, problems, nightmares, panic, lack of imagination  

Affirmation: "I allow my intuition to guide me."


Crown Chakra

Location: top of the head

Color: violet, white

Mantra: silence, Om

Relates to: knowledge, spirituality, fulfillment

If balanced you feel: spiritual, wise, peaceful, open-minded, self-aware

If unbalanced you feel: fear, memory problems, apathy, uninspired, indecisive, cynical 

Affirmation: "I am connected to the Universe."


Now that you have a basic understanding of each of the main Chakras, were you able to identify which ones are stagnant for you? If so, how is your life being affected? Remember, if you are having stagnancy, there is no need to panic. This can be resolved in many different ways. 


Here is a list of the different ways to unblock your Chakras: 

  1. Reiki Healing Sessions - Reiki is a form of energy healing and with the right intention a practitioner can assist in clearing energy from each Chakra. Please be mindful that it can take multiple sessions as it is a process. 

  2. Meditation - Sitting quietly while chanting the correlating mantra can help get the energy flowing properly to a specific Chakra. Identify where you are having issues and sit and meditate on them for 10 - 15 minutes daily. 

  3. Wearing and Eating Colors - Each Chakra has a specific color that correlates with it. If you are having issues with your Root Chakra, try eating red foods or wearing red on your person, etc. 

  4. Journaling - After identifying a blockage, sit and write about why and how you can help change it. For example, if your Crown Chakra is blocked, is it because you have spent your life not trusting your intuition? Writing can help put things into perspective and get to the root cause. 

  5. Repeat Affirmations - Affirmations are a group of positive words that can help shift your negative thought patterns into positive thought patterns. The way we speak to ourselves plays a big role in our internal belief system. Speak the correlating affirmation per Chakra daily to help create subtle positive mental shifts. 

  6. Work with Crystals - Crystals carry potent energy and can absorb unwanted energies within us. Work with a crystal that correlates with the specific Chakra by holding it in your hands and speaking your intention on what you would like it to do. For example, you can use Lapis Lazuli for the Throat Chakra, setting the intention that you would like the stone to absorb stuck energy so you are able to speak your truth with ease and grace. 

  7. Burn Candles - Candles are great to use during any of the other activities and add a little extra healing energy each time you set your intention and light it. 

Thank you kindly for reading about the Seven Chakras! I hope you have walked away with added knowledge and insight. Please reach out if you have any questions! I will be more than happy to answer if I can. 



August 23, 2019: Death & Rebirth