Chakras Kayla Jo Chakras Kayla Jo

Sacral Chakra: Unleashing Creativity and Embracing Emotional Flow

In the intricate system of energy centers known as chakras, the Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, takes center stage as the epicenter of creativity, pleasure, and emotional expression. This second chakra, located just below the navel, is a swirling vortex of energy that governs our ability to connect with others, experience pleasure, and unlock the flow of creativity.

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The Value of Mindfulness
Mindfulness Kayla Jo Mindfulness Kayla Jo

The Value of Mindfulness

In the midst of our fast-paced, modern lives, we often find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of responsibilities, distractions, and constant demands. Our minds become overwhelmed, and our souls yearn for a respite from the chaos. It is in these moments that practicing mindfulness becomes an invaluable tool, guiding us back to the present moment and allowing us to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace.

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August 23, 2019: Death & Rebirth
Personal Experiences Kayla Jo Personal Experiences Kayla Jo

August 23, 2019: Death & Rebirth

June 2019 and it had been a few weeks since I exited a six-year relationship. To say I was distraught would be an understatement, but I was doing my best to keep the mask on. I was moving through life in a deep slumbered state. I would wake up, tend to my three children, go to work, come home, make dinner, have a few drinks, go to bed, then wake up and repeat. It was far from the life I envisioned for myself, but there I was. 

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The Seven Chakras: A Beginner Guide
Chakras Kayla Jo Chakras Kayla Jo

The Seven Chakras: A Beginner Guide

Chakras are energy centers in the body that help to create the basis of our existence. Chakra is Sanskrit for the word "wheel" and the study of the Chakra system originated in Eastern spiritual practices. These energy centers can affect our emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic well-being.

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